About Professor Game

In this quick podcast episode, we explain what this podcast is about! If you want a super quick text version, read below.

Professor Game is dedicated to spreading the good practice of gamification and games-based solutions to inspire engagement and motivation where it is needed. That is why we help educational institutions, companies and the public sector through learning and consulting and have a weekly podcast where we interview successful practitioners of games, gamification and game thinking that will bring us the best of their experiences to get ideas, insights and inspiration to make experiences meaningful.

What about the host of Professor Game podcast?

Rob is an expert, international speaker and advocate for the use of gamification and games-based solutions, especially in education and learning.

At Professor Game he is the host of the podcast and consultant.

He’s also a professor and workshop facilitator for the topics of the podcast and LEGO SERIOUS PLAY (LSP) for top higher education institutions that include EFMD, IE Business School and EBS among others in Europe, America and Asia.


15 Replies to “About Professor Game”

  1. Jankiel

    Hola Rob,

    Se puede saber con antelación de que va el podcast con aticipación? Cuanta? Como puedo enterarme? Correo?


    • admin Post author

      Yes Jankiel, this podcast will be touching upon ideas, techniques and strategies to help you motivate your students to learn. We will bring experts in the field so they provide inspiration for you to implement in your classroom. You can subscribe to stay updated using this link.

  2. David Steven Twist

    Six degrees of insight?
    I’ve got nine
    Real Space Light
    Level 1 dehumanisation easy
    All it takes is a name

    Level 2 Rationalise
    Compared to the self

    Level 3 Victimise
    When you have some power

    Level 4 Normalise
    When group behavior reinforced

    Level 5 Valorise
    When you pin a medal on a dominant scheme

    Level 6 Mobilise
    When spirit is used as strategic fuel #ATWAS

    Level 7 Radicalise
    Your evolutionary drivers are dependant on spirit

    Level 8 Pluralise
    Spirits create opposing terms

    Level 9 Semiotise
    A life in pictures martyrdom

    Omega Delta Theta

    Omega the experiencil lens of Total Risk
    Delta the process lens of strategic drift
    Theta the avatar lens of the asset electron

    Omnia sane ratio omnibus

    Wizard of UK

  3. Nicole E. Lee

    Hello Professor Game,
    recent discoverer of your podcast and big fan. Thanks for introducing me to so many inspirational gamists and exciting processes and opportunities to become more engaged.

    • Professor Game Post author

      Thank you Nicole! Glad we have been of inspiration for your journey in gamification! We’d love if you subscribe to our email list to keep you updated as well.

      • Nicole

        Hello there Professor, this is kind of a last-minute request! I was hoping you might be available for a school interview (this week!?) no more than half an hour! Please let me know, my email is attached.

  4. nancy perez

    Hello ,
    I see your website professorgame.com  and its impressive. I wonder if advertising options like guest post, ad content are available on your site?

    What’s the price if we want to advertise on your site?

    nancy perez

  5. Pingback: The Top 10 game-based learning leaders you should follow

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