Experience Design and Gamification in Accenture with Jasmin Karatas | Episode 098

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Jasmin Deniz Karatas is on a quest to lead Gamification and Behavioral Design to success for businesses and entrepreneurs alike. She built up and leads the Gamification Chapter within Accenture Interactive. She gives lectures to students, holds international talks and workshops. Trained as a product designer and armed with years of experience in service design, as well as founding her own startup Myndset, Jasmin follows her ambition to help her clients add passion, value and emotions to their ideas and solutions.

An average day for Jasmin consists of a lot of working with her team as well as directly with clients. She has a team that supports her through her activities and allows her to get through everything.

One example of overcoming a failure for Jasmin is when she has been working with clients at times, they have great ideas but don’t dare put the ideas into practice. She has developed great techniques to get through this such as the leadership escape game they created. When developing a product for some clients she has found it’s important to show them the product before developing it as they may have different ideas for what it will look like.

A time where things went well for Jasmin is when she was working with a client they were looking at the change process, which was usually workshops as well as a playbook. Jasmin created a live gamified experience for this client and it was a huge success because the people beforehand didn’t want to go into the change journey ended up with multiple gamified workshops because they could see the value for it. A key aspect to this was convincing the managers and getting the chance to try her ideas but that paid off in the end and helped develop strong relationships.

The process for Jasmin often starts with been contacted by a client, they have their idea on how they want to implement gamification but Jasmin and her team get back with their offer outlining how they work with gamification. This is mainly about prizes and how she will carry out the work. After this they go into a discussion to see what would be needed to solve the issue, this is different from client to client. It is also important that within Accenture it is important that the result can be integrated from a technology standpoint!

One of Jasmin’s best practices is to think more in-depth about what experience actually is when it comes to gamification and gamified experiences, and this is actually what she wanted to talk more in-depth about at Gamification Europe in Berlin.

Remember that Jasmin Karatas is going to be at Gamification Europe 2019 in Berlin, so if you want to join us there, get your discounted tickets on professorgame.com/GamificationEurope and support Professor Game through this affiliate link!

Jasmin has a lot of favorite games, one of her favorite games is a pen and paper game on squared paper where you have to draw lines for points, taking it in turns to draw lines until you make a box. The person who finishes the box gets the point. She plays many digital games too but this is her favorite game to play.

She would like to listen to Ernst Fehr on Professor Game! He’s is a behavior economist and writes a lot about behavioral economics. Jasmin thinks the links from outside of gamification can be interesting as they come in with a different point of view. She would recommend the book Ready Player One, as it has an interesting point of view of how games and virtual reality are combined in the future. Jasmin’s superpower is to inspire people, the evangelist!

Jasmin will be speaking at Gamification Europe 2019 in Berlin. Her talk is around experience design, as we are now living in an era where a lot of agencies and companies take credit for experience design, but gamification doesn’t get talked about that often. We might also find out what gamification has to do with Harry Potter!

Jasmin started Myndset with the idea of “stop consuming, start creating” and would advise us to not hold back and just do something. If you’re into gamification try it out and just build something because that’s the most valuable thing you can do.

Jasmin is on Facebook, Twitter @j_karatas and Instagram @jsmn_krts or you can look for Myndset, her company, at myndset.cards.


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