Nadia Benedetti Inspiring the Creative Playfulness | Episode 168

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Nadia Benedetti is an Advanced Trainer in playful learning, LEGO® SERIOUSPLAY® Facilitator, and Game Thinking Coach, her expertise is helping teams to face complexity by innovating.

For 18 years, she was International Manager at Hachette Publishing and LEGO Education, facing the challenges of smart working and multicultural environments. She had been practicing the importance of playful learning to improve creativity, raise engagement, and manage complexity through new ideas.

In 2018 she decided to create her company Playnbe, with the ambition to help more teams to unleash their potential through playful learning. They use the power of serious play to train creative problem solving, critical thinking, and collaboration. For organizations, playful learning is a simple way to bring the key competencies and great fulfillment in the digital and agile transformation.


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