Erik Agudelo Blending Physical and Digital Games for Learning | Episode 190

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Erik is a researcher and developer of Learning Solutions. He’s the founder of Play Learn Develop and also a vegetarian. His research and products combine the use of Human Behaviour, tabletop games and Artificial Intelligence/Data Science. Over the past two years, he has worked with the University of Economics Krakow, in Poland, and with Trinity College Dublin (TCD) in Ireland.

Currently, he’s working on a project to take ToolBox 4 Creativity (his latest L&D product) to Kickstarter. As well as applying for EU funding to develop his umbrella research at the Human Centre Organisational Transformation Framework.


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Full episode transcription

(Pending – technical problems with the provider, will be up soon)

End of transcription

One Reply to “Erik Agudelo Blending Physical and Digital Games for Learning | Episode 190”

  1. Pingback: Erik Agudelo and his Toolbox4Creativity on Kickstarter | Episode 208 – Professor Game

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