Dustin Staats Pivoting Into Brick And Mortar Tabletop Gaming | Episode 254

Listen to this episode on your phone! Dustin has experience working in the field of education in various capacities, including consulting, research, and running and hosting tutoring programs. He is now the owner of Board Gaming with Education’s brick-and-mortar store “BGE’s Tabletop.” When Dustin was in the classroom he was always looking for ways to create a more engaging classroom to develop a strong classroom culture and strengthen learning and Continue Reading →

Gamification Going for Online Classrooms During COVID19 with Dustin Staats | Episode 128

 Listen to this episode on your phone! This episode is quite different, it is the audio taken from the live stream that Dustin Staats and I did on Facebook and Instagram. These show notes will also be different, given that the conversation mostly unstructured, except for the questions that we prepared beforehand and that I mention below. Right after that, I’m going to mention some resources that relate to Continue Reading →

Dustin Staats of Board Gaming with Education is back with Worlds XP | Episode 122

 Listen to this episode on your phone! Dustin is currently focused on building and growing his podcast community Board Gaming with Education. Dustin has experience teaching English as a second language to a variety of age levels – from kindergarten to university students. He also works in the field of education in various capacities, including consulting, research, and running and hosting tutoring programs. He is always looking for ways Continue Reading →

Dustin Staats with board games and gamification in education | Episode 086

Listen to this episode on your phone! Dustin is with his beautiful and wonderful wife Grace living in Taiwan. Dustin teaches English at a university in Taipei and works in the field of education in other various capacities, including consulting and research. He is always looking for ways to create a more engaging classroom to develop a strong classroom culture to strengthen learning. This is how “Board Gaming with Education” Continue Reading →

Peter Williamson Brings The Best Of Local Games | Episode 126

 Listen to this episode on your phone! Peter Williamson is a professional golfer turned social entrepreneur who sees physical games as a way to catalyze conversations and problem-solving. Based in Washington DC, Peter started a creative agency in 2018 called Game Genius, which focuses on supporting the local region through non-digital play. The company designs custom games, workshops, and public events to help people enjoy what they do while Continue Reading →