Second Anniversary of Professor Game! | Episode 107

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This episode is, not only our celebration for the anniversary, it is also special because it is something new I haven’t tried on the podcast before. It is a completely solo episode, where I share with you, The Engagers, what is the general process I use for creating a solution with gamification. It is general, there is a lot more detail behind but I wanted to make sure you have open access to the basics. Enjoy and let me know if you have questions!

We start with some definitions from experts:

Sebastian Deterding: “the use of game design elements in non-game contexts”

Yu-kai Chou: “Gamification is the craft of deriving all the fun and addicting elements found in games and applying them to real-world or productive activities.”

Andrzej Marczewski: “The use of game design, game elements and play for non-entertainment purposes”

The working definition I currently use: The use of game design, game elements and play for purposes beyond entertainment.

Challenge 1: Find the true objectives. One of the strategies is The 5 Whys.

Challenge 2: Define your players. The app I mention (heard it from Nir Eyal) is Fitbod. You can find more info on Andrzej Marczewski’s player types on his blog.

Challenge 3: Brainstorming solutions. An Coppens, past guest, has the Gamification Design Card Deck which I use currently.

Challenge 4: Build your solution. Here I mention An Coppens, because of the boardgame Gamification Nation designed: Hacksagon.

Boss fight: Playtesting.

Getting better: iteration.


If you want to understand this further, go to and find out if there is some solution to fit what you’re looking for! This might come in the form of a talk, a workshop or something different in the future!


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